

I'M VexBlack

Hello everyone, I'm Vex! Not so long ago, I moved to Poland to find inspiration and bring my ideas to life! I am fond of board role-playing games (DND, Mausritter, Eye of Darkness, Masquerade, Fate), I lay out the tarot, the matrix of fate, natal cards (in general, esotericism is close to my soul). I will be glad to have interesting communication and new impressions.



who am I?

VexBlack - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

VexBlack's profile picture. 11 ratings. Hello everyone, I'm Vex! Not so long ago, I moved to Poland to find inspiration and bring my ideas to life! I am fond of board role-playing games (DND, Mausritter, Eye of Darkness, Masquerade, Fate), I lay out the tarot, the matrix of fate, natal cards (in general, esotericism is close to my soul). I will be glad to have interesting communication and new impressions..

Soul Mate

My Details

Last update: 20 minutes ago

I like: I love extreme sports, body modification, tattoo industry, esotericism, adventure, relaxing in a noisy company, making up stories, salted caramel and seals

I don't like: Toxic masculinity, rudeness, psychological pressure

About me


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