

I'M MayaBlum

I am a very happy and pampered intelligent woman but at the same time knowing new things fills me with a lot of intrigue and satisfaction and sexual desire to try new things.



who am I?

MayaBlum - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

MayaBlum's profile picture. 13 ratings. I am a very happy and pampered intelligent woman but at the same time knowing new things fills me with a lot of intrigue and satisfaction and sexual desire to try new things..


My Details

Last update: 2 days ago

I like: I like to talk and have a good conversation and get to know my play partner a little more to know what he wants most in privacy and that he likes my body and they tell me how much they like it

I don't like: I don't like it when people refer to my body in a bad way to make fun of me and make me feel bad since I have a lot of insecurities.

About me


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