

I'M JazmineFlower

I am a woman who loves to dance, share a good wine with my acquaintances, accompanied by a good conversation, a movie at home or an outing to see different places, I know what my goals and objectives are, I like to take care of my physique and always be very well presented



who am I?

JazmineFlower - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

JazmineFlower's profile picture. 15 ratings. I am a woman who loves to dance, share a good wine with my acquaintances, accompanied by a good conversation, a movie at home or an outing to see different places, I know what my goals and objectives are, I like to take care of my physique and always be very well presented.


My Details

Last update: 1 day ago

I like: I like direct men, who like exercise or simply someone who is fun and knows what he wants; I am a fit woman who likes domination in sex, rough but not aggressive sex.

I don't like: people who don't know what they want, who are rude and poorly educated, who only think about their desire

About me


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