

I'M ElvaAndGillian

The story of Lory and Olle started like something straight out of a favorite movie. One day, they bumped into each other at a small seaside coffee shop, both reaching for the last croissant with raspberry jam. What began as a playful argument and a shared laugh soon turned into a coffee invitation, and a few hours later, they were already sharing their most cherished dreams.



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ElvaAndGillian - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

ElvaAndGillian's profile picture. 4 ratings. The story of Lory and Olle started like something straight out of a favorite movie. One day, they bumped into each other at a small seaside coffee shop, both reaching for the last croissant with raspberry jam. What began as a playful argument and a shared laugh soon turned into a coffee invitation, and a few hours later, they were already sharing their most cherished dreams..


My Details

Last update: 2 days ago

I like: They love cooking together, creating quirky recipes that don’t always turn out edible but always make for unforgettable moments. In the evenings, Olle plays the guitar, and Lory sings—sometimes a bit off-key but with a spark in her eyes.

I don't like: Their biggest rivalry? Deciding who pays for the coffee. Both are too stubborn to give in, turning it into a battle of glances every time.

About me


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