


I'M AlessiaRoig

I'm photographer, I love traveling, explore, I'm classic, but I love making different things, however I really love meeting new people around the world and knowing about fantasies or whatever you want to say, I am confident and I like talk while I am improving my speaking, so while or if you want a pause, we can get fun!!!



who am I?

AlessiaRoig - Live Sex Cam profile on Porno✨Porka

AlessiaRoig's profile picture. 7 ratings. I'm photographer, I love traveling, explore, I'm classic, but I love making different things, however I really love meeting new people around the world and knowing about fantasies or whatever you want to say, I am confident and I like talk while I am improving my speaking, so while or if you want a pause, we can get fun!!!.


My Details

Last update: 2 days ago

I like: I like different things, I love roleplay, BDSM, cuckold games, vainilla and more fun, turn on your cam and let me see what you have there for me, I like to know how hard you are and make you crazy for cum and why not cum twice XD

I don't like: Guys with bad sense of humor

About me


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